Have you ever heard a “one-liner” that just completely caught you off guard and yet was exactly what you needed at the time?
How many decisions have been made on the spur of the moment... based on a situation that happened.... which caused a knee-jerk response ....that resulted in loss and regret?
It is those “snap shot” moments in our lives, when we are temporarily blinded by the glare of an event that seems bigger than life, that we are the most vulnerable. It is not the time to make any decisions concerning the situation or our future.
No where is this truth demonstrated more vividly than in the pages of scripture. Time and again the children of Israel reacted to the challenges that they faced after being delivered out of Egypt with a snapshot mentality. They quickly forgot the images of being enslaved in a foreign land. Each difficulty became larger than life and they could no longer see the picture of the beautiful land flowing with milk and honey that God had promised them.
On the other hand, there were those like Joseph whose life was changed in an instant when his brothers sold him into slavery. He could have taken a “snap shot” view of the situation and become bitter and resentful. Instead, he remembered the vision God had given him early in his life and maintained his integrity even though there were other “snap shot” moments that occurred before he saw the manifestation of all that God had shown him. He was even able to say to his brothers, “What you meant for evil, God has used for good.”
How we react to the “snap shot” moments in our lives is so critical! Don't give up on a family member, friendship, marriage, business or whatever the situation may be.
Don't Take A “Snapshot” Of A Moment And Make It The Whole Thing!”